Cleaning Tips For Your Stained Food Containers

If you’re an avid user of kitchen containers for food storage malaysia, you must have faced this annoying issue – stained containers! Typically, this happens when you store food sauce or leftovers with gravy. No matter how hard you scrub the stain with your best dish soap and sponge, the container is fated to remain stained forever. Or not? Well, I will give you the tips to clean your stained food containers! From orange-ish red colour to clear again! Scroll down to find out more.

Before Adding Food To Plastic Storage Containers, Try Lining Them With Aluminium Foil, Parchment, Or Wax Paper To Prevent Stains

Restauraunts or cafes would do this to preserve the food’s freshness in their takeout containers, but that it also works perfectly with plastic food containers. Whatever you choose, it will serve as a barrier between the plastic and the food, protecting the container from aromas and keeping cleanup simple. Consider reusing whatever you use to make this more environmentally friendly.

Always Clean Your Plastic And Metal Containers As Quickly As Possible

kitchen containers for food storage malaysia

In addition to avoiding heat, one of the best ways to prevent stains on kitchen containers for food storage malaysia is to wash them soon after use. The longer it mingles with your saucy and odorous food, the longer it has to become saucy and odorous itself. This is also true for metal containers, she explains. The sooner you clean your food storage containers, the longer they will maintain their integrity.

If Your Containers Are Already Soiled And Smelly, Follow This Method

Create a mixture of bleach and lemon juice to eliminate stains and odours. 

To begin, you need a small amount of each (about a tablespoon each per container). Then, dilute the solution with water and soak the containers for five to ten minutes. Finally, soap and rinsing them once more, drying them, and packing them are the final steps. The odours and stains should vanish quickly.

Alternatively, you can just wipe clean containers with a small amount of lemon rind. While this method will not eliminate stains, she claims that it will help absorb odours and leaving containers feeling fresher.

When In Doubt, Baking Soda And Vinegar Are An Excellent Choice

kitchen containers for food storage malaysia

Rinse your container with water to remove any food particles, coat it with baking soda, let it soak for five to ten minutes, then rinse it with vinegar to eliminate stains and odours.

When Cleaning Metal Food Containers, Sponges Should Not Be Used

Whenever I’ve used a sponge to clean a metal food container, such as a metal water bottle or a soup carrier, I’ve seen that any unpleasant odours from the sponge adhere to the metal like a magnet. Therefore, avoid using sponges in these situations. Fill metal containers with a mixture of hot water and soap, then seal and shake them until they are thoroughly clean.

kitchen containers for food storage malaysia

All in all, do not give up when your favourite kitchen containers for food storage malaysia is stained from your dish, you can still save it by following the steps above! Good luck everyone!